Towers High School

Dekalb County Schools

MAP Testing Fall 2021

Greetings Tower HS Stakeholders,

The Fall 2021 MAP administration for in-person 9th and 10th grade students will resume Tuesday, 9/7/21.  Students should report directly to their test location with their charged chromebook. Find attached updated flyer and test locations.  In addition, we will be offering 9th and 10th grade FLEX students an opportunity to complete the Fall MAP administration 9/20/21, 9/22/21, 9/27/21, and 9/29/21 in-person at Towers HS.  FLEX students that are interested in completing the MAP assessment MUST register using the link below.  If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Knight at [email protected] or 678-874-2217.  Thanks in advance.

FLEX Registration Link